According to the Labor Standards Law,  Article 39 (Paid Leave), an employee who has been continuously employed for six months and has reported to work on 80% of his/her scheduled work days is entitled to paid annual leave, including part-time workers. Full-time workers who meet the above requirements should receive 10 days paid leave after the first six months and one additional day per year after the second, to a maximum of 20 days. Part-time workers who meet the above requirements should receive paid annual leave proportional to the number of days worked.

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The number of days off you have is based only on the number of days you work per qualifying period.

You are eligible for paid annual after the first six months of work.

These days of paid annual leave are in addition to any vacation or holiday days fixed by you your company or school.

Full or part time, foreign or Japanese, you are entitled to paid annual leave, even if you work only one day a week. These vacation days are flexible and you can use them whenever you like to, provided that it does not prevent business operations.